Family Counselling
Right now I love and hate my family. There is so much guilt feeling that way. Is it possible for all of us to get along?
Change is Possible
Families can be wonderful resources of support and love but they can also be places of pain and grief. Family conflicts can come from cultural differences, where the younger generation do not see eye-to-eye with their parents and result in volatile confrontations on respect, autonomy, and the need to be heard.
Conflicts can also emerge from co-parenting disagreements due to divorce or on issues of care for members of the family that are needing extra support like elders and children with neural diversity. Substance use, like alcohol and drugs, are also common causes of family conflicts. Whatever the origins of the conflicts, they bring pain, hurt and alienation.
Family counselling is a series of conversations where change is possible. In this space, your therapist will explore the issues the family face and ensure that everyone is heard and, most importantly, no one is the enemy. Where dialogue was not possible before, it now becomes a possibility. Such a space opens up new perceptions of each other and the potential to experience new learnings about who each member of the family really is.
We often cast family members into fixed roles or characters that we write off. This form of cancelling of family members block new possibilities and alternate ways for moving forward. From parents struggling to connect with their adolescent children to families with long histories of issues, conflicts and complicated dynamics, family counselling gives people new hope and sets them on a course to re-engage and re-connect in a more effective and healthy way.
To learn more, book a free 20-min consultation here.